All life is generated from a system I consider divine. Humanity has numerous labels that are
applied to the task of identifying this system. Labels like RELIGION, SPIRITUALITY, and NATURE.
DEWsWay is the perspective from which I understand this spiritual system, and you will sense/feel it is right(eous). Have an open mind as you enjoy my writings so that you can perceive the truth beyond
the barriers created by labels. I have found that many people have a difficult time accepting new ideas
and philosophies, even though they truly want to be open-minded. In my observations of human nature,
individuals tend to develop intellectually to whatever degree circumstance and desire allows, then many
circle their faculties around the understandings they have gained just to get through their everyday lives.
To receive my words/our truth in earnest, each must let down the barriers that have been created
in all our minds by ego, misinterpretation, and the physical stimulation of our material world.
Feel these words and weigh the truth of each and every one of them. Accept that there
is still room in every person’s life for enlightenment. We have reached the period of human
existence where each one of us, each and every individual, needs to recognize the truths
in our shared reality and face the responsibilities we as individuals have to truth.
There are definitive choices to be made about the direction of our individual and collective lives.
In Second Timothy 3:5, it says that in the last day’s men “having a form of godliness, but denying
the power thereof: from such turn away.” Because of the perspective from which I understand
spirituality, for me this “form of godliness” is our conscious mind. Each of us who has given up
hope is denying the power of our minds, “denying the power thereof.” Each of our minds make
us aware and this awareness makes each of us responsible to reality and to truth. By turning
away from this responsibility, we are turning away from the truth of our minds and
the power thereof. To come together we all must trust in the volume of love that we
as individuals repress for fear of being made vulnerable by the depth of our emotional
connection to each other and have hope for the perpetuation and prosperity of humanity.